Professional locksmiths in Worksop specialising in Locks, Safes, Access Control, Master Key Systems, Security Doors & Grilles and Key cutting services. Stapletons Lock & Safe are a Worksop based family locksmiths firm which was established by John & Heather Stapleton in 1964. We have over 50 years of experience in the locksmith profession and over the years have always strived to provide the highest
David — Brilliant staff were very helpful and friendly and was able to help me as I needed some keys cut work
At Glentworth Security we offer a wide range of security solutions, all of which can be tailored to suit your individual requirements. We will audit your site and design a cost-effective, reliable and efficient package which best suits your security needs. See below a few of the services we offer. A Security Officer on your premises provides a powerful message to staff, visitors and potential intruders
Paul Asquith — I've worked for Glentworth security since September last year. This is a fantastic company to work for the director is a
We are a nationwide security provider with a proven track record. We pride ourselves on our professionalism, reliability and ethos. We work hard to uphold your values, delivering a service that you are happy to associate your brand with. UK Security are an organisation that cares about your customers, we're here to keep both your customers, and your brand safe.